Organise your own ugly lawn-competition

A step by step guide from Region Gotland


Since drought and water scarcity is a global problem, we at Region Gotland have written a short guide based on our learnings from making the successful Gotland’s Ugliest Lawn competition and the global contest The World’s Ugliest Lawn.

Follow a few easy steps to launch a local water saving ugly lawn-competition in your region or country. Together we can change the norm of green lawns and save a lot of water!

Here we go:

1. Create an email address for the submission of entries.

2. Select a jury of 3-4 people.
For example:
One person from your own organisation.
One garden specialist.
One person from locally influential media.
One influencer engaged in the climate issue.

3. Publish information about the competition on your homepage.
Entrants need to submit photos of their own lawns.

4. Launch the competition with news articles i regional or national media.
Gotland’s Ugliest Lawn was launched in July, and the winner was announced in August when the drought issue was in the news.

5. Publish posts on your social media channels throughout the competition.

6. Announce the winner in collaboration with regional media.
Talk about the importance of water conservation, and why changing the norm of green lawns is effective.

Good luck!


Mimmi Gibson
Director of Brand, Region Gotland, Sweden
+46 70 083 22 99

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